Dr. John Dr. John H. Joseph is a Facial Plastic Surgeon who has a prominent practice in Beverly Hills and is an Assistant clinical Professor at UCLA. He specializes in Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery but is also involved in congenital and traumatic facial reconstructive cases. Read more
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Our office has performed more than 1000 treatments over the last 3 years using Sculptra. We have not been so impressed with a product like this since Botox. Sculptra treats the loss of volume or “skeletonization” of the face and hands, which occurs due to normal aging. Sculptra does this by stimulating the body to produce collagen and skin cells. This is the first FDA approved “Bio-active” biodegradable filler on the market. Other products can address these issues, such as fat and dermal fillers, but not with the reliability, dependability, safety and duration of Sculptra, which can last for 3-5 years. Dr Joseph is a National Trainer and Advisor for Sanofi Adventis, the company that makes Sculptra and has trained over 100 physicians using my techniques with this product. Visit Sculptra.com and access the United Kingdom website to see the amazing aesthetic results.

Volume Loss Around Orbital Rim

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